Crimson Circle workshops and therapies held by the Hungarian Shaumbra Teachers. Everything about inspiring the awareness! U.S. company licensed workshop’s issues such as physical abuse and psychic manipulation, or “energy stealing,” and our aspects, birth and death.
What for the courses are?: balanced, drama free and joyful life.
Our Mission: The advanced studies workshops of The Crimson Circle co. changed our life in an intensive way and our relationship to ourself and to life itself. Those workshops gave us a new perspective about “Why are we here?”, “Why do we live?” „How we can have a joyful life if we won’t focus only on drama?” and therefore from our first participation of these workshops became to one of our desire to make available these courses for more people, for more languages and for more countries and with that the participants would be able to regard themselves and life in a whole new way. Therefore as certified teachers we started to organize and/or create translations of the study materials and other related materials and subtitles for Hungarian, Slovenian, Portuguese and for some other languages. For now most of these workshops are available to non-English speakers and for those who wish to become a teacher of these materials.
Below are a Crimson Circle Advanced Studies list that we can hold. The Crimson Circle workshops are usually three days, wich can be conducted over a weekend. When you are interested to participate a workshop which one is not announced, please contact us to find you a suitable date.
Please click on each icon to read more information about the workshops.
Meet with our Team

Robert Gulyas
Teacher and therapist

Alfred Halasz
Teacher, mentor teacher & therapist

Timea Thomazy
Teacher, mentor teacher & therapist