
The Beauty of Death


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Experiences of a Dreamwalk
by Lea Hamann 

My telephone rang. “I need your help, I’m having cancer for 10 years now and I don’t want to die. Can you help me?” the agitated woman asked. I took a deep breath and said: “I’m not sure if I can help you not to die, but I would really like to teach you how to breathe.” And so it began. My client called every week to learn deep conscious breathing. After our third session together she told me that she feels very relaxed while breathing and that the intense pain that has always been there, disappeared for short moments. My client was an expert in all kinds of energy work, healing techniques, she knew everyone and everything. What I discovered was, none of those techniques brought love into her life. What all those techniques had in common was they helped her to sink deeper and deeper into her brain, into her fear and into deep victim energy.

There’s such a draw to the victim energy, and especially to the energies that work in the brain, some years ago I would have sunk right into that energy. But now I know Breath, so I can stay in the sweetness of my breath whatever storm of thoughts is raging against my windows. I created a space of safety and peace, a space, where the mind of my client could not intrude. Session after session my client enjoyed the stillness of our space together. Every session she came with her fear of death, with stories about her pain – and we watched all that slide into the background, dissolve and transcend while we stayed in our breath.

The battle my client had fought against her sickness, against her body and against herself had gotten her stuck. Fighting can do that. You cannot breathe and fight at the same time, so in our sessions she learned a new way to be with herself. A more loving and gentle way. Her words became softer. The way she talked about herself became more loving. We celebrated a small miracle, when she was able to laugh about herself for the very first time.

Of course we also talked about her situation, about her fear of dying and about her sickness. We breathed and let go of so many old energies – many closed doors could open. One day we reached the point where she could see, that she truly had a choice. She never had this kind of awareness before. Her life has been about fighting through, coping with and surviving. Now she had a choice for the first time. I told her she could be with that choice for a while and come back when she knew more about it. The next time she called, her voice had changed, it was soft and gentle. She said: “You know, my head always told me I should survive, I should fight my disease, but my heart says: I want to go home. Can you help me to go home?” So with that our Dreamwalk started.

We talked about her perception of death. She said: “Death is cold, death is darkness and death is the screaming of my mother who died when I was young.” I had experienced this space of death so often that I knew about those dark chasms but I also knew about the gentle and graceful way of dying. I knew about the beauty of death. So I invited her to leave that dark space and try another space. We made the joke, that you can leave a house in different ways. You can certainly jump out of the window. You can dig a hole through the foundation of the house, or you can just open the door and walk out. How do you want to leave your house? How do you want to die?

In our sessions that we had now on a daily basis we tasted the gentle space of death. We breathed together, we became centered in the body and then we opened up beyond. Beyond the body, beyond the breath of the physical lungs, beyond our 3rd dimension. Death is an opening, opening up for something more, more of you. So every breath led her to receive more of this new experience. More of herself. Breath led her to gently fall into the arms of her soul that was waiting for her. Just waiting to hold her, to be with her. My client fell in love with that space. Weeks ago she always wanted to talk and argue and discuss issues with me. Now she always asked: “Could we start breathing right now?”

Since she made her decision to leave her physical body, her body slowed down and there was a certain amount of pain because her body had held so much energy for her. Due to the cancer that had spread out through her entire body, her lungs were filling with water. Every other day her lungs had to be punctured to get all the water out. So breathing became harder. She started to cough and drawing breath became very tiresome for her. So we discovered: I can breathe without my lungs. I can go beyond. I can breathe with my entire body. I can even breathe with my ears. (The daughters of my client confirmed that after these breathing sessions her cheeks looked rosy and she was even able to walk.) We experienced that she could go beyond her body, while the pain of transformation and letting go was very intense. Our aim was not to ignore the body or to run away from it, our aim was to let transformation happen in a graceful way.

Some days passed by and suddenly there was a deep rhythm that radiated out of her being. I had already experienced that rhythm in my work with pregnant women. “So this is the rhythm of her death,” I thought. It was slow, gentle and became more prevalent every day. Soon her consciousness moved in this very rhythm. One day she was present in her body, the next day she was very far away.

Around that time her family started contacting me more frequently. It worried them to see that she could no longer talk or think clearly. I told them its part of letting go. The sooner she lets go of her mind, the easier will be her transition. I could feel that my presence in the family, talking to her daughters – even her husband started emailing me – helped to balance the situation. Sometimes the small things get lost, when a person is dying. Family members forget to sleep, to rest or even eat because they are so occupied with understanding what’s going on. They were worried to miss the moment of her death, to miss some important moment when she would talk for the last time. So I just told them to relax, go home, eat and sleep and understand that they can feel their mommy now rather than see and touch her.

One day the rhythm of her transition carried her out so far, that a grand part of her spirit energy was now already beyond. This day I stopped eating meat (according to the Dreamwalker guidelines) and began my conscious one-hour breathing. She hadn’t left her body yet, but a lot of her energy had gone beyond our dimension. As a child, I feared the near realms. I could see into them and feel the presence of all the spooks and dead people. So I was surprised when I went with her into the near realms and experienced no fear at all. Some more days went by. Every day, more of her energy passed over in this in-between state. She was calm. The bonds with her family slowly dissolved and I felt the moment of her physical death coming closer.

Just shortly before she left her body, I could feel a wave of dark energies of her past, memories of deaths that she experienced in previous lifetimes and her families’ “path of death”. These energies had an enormous draw. They were inviting her to – once again – fall into the dark chasm of death, to experience fear, pain and loneliness. In honour of all the work that we had done together I knew I couldn’t just watch her being dragged down into this dark place. (In that moment her daughter called me: “Something feels weird. I feel that mommy cannot die. I feel that something is stuck.”) So she had perceived these old energies as well.

Out of the blue, I had never done something like that before, I told her daughter to sit beside her mother’s bed and breathe for 30 minutes while I did my breathing, too. We hung up the phone and I went into my breath. I found my client curled together and afraid. When she felt my presence she opened up a little bit. I put one foot on the pathway of the Anasazi and called her name. And I called her again. And I called her one more time. And suddenly she came out of her trance and I could feel the energies flowing again. When her daughter called again she said that the smell and the light in the room had changed dramatically. My clients face was relaxed and calm. Again – out of the blue – I told her to wash her mother’s hands and feet and to play soft classical music in her room. The next morning, my client silently left her body. The hospital staff and family reported that there has been a silent glow in the room all day long.

The actual Dreamwalk was easy and calm. I love the transformation that takes place during the Dreamwalk. All energies of the past life dissolve and behind the human persona the angel shines through. Along the way I felt the echo of the classical music that had been played in her room, it was like a thread of light calling her to the Bridge of Flowers. It was like a song – a love song from her family that was shining through that music. After 12 hours we already reached the Bridge of Flowers. She had changed so much, this was no human being, this was an angel coming home. Full of experiences, full of life. There is so much beauty in that moment of crossing over the Bridge. Beauty that is hard to describe with words. Everything makes sense. Everything flows. There is no guilt, no shame nor regret – just a moment of celebrating life, a moment of celebrating a beautiful beloved angel.

The angels met her in the center of the bridge. We said goodbye and I watched her slowly walk away, going home. With a deep breath I let go of the Bridge, let go of the Crystalline Realms, let go of the Near Realms and came back to my body, my room and my chair in which I was sitting in. It felt good to be fully present after many days of being in-between. It felt good, but also a little weird to realize that I could no longer feel the presence of my client. I had become so used to feeling her right beside me. It took some days to rest and reconnect to myself.

I can say that Dreamwalking is one of the most beautiful adventures two humans can share. Later on I realized that the effects of Dreamwalking on the family are grand too. I met with the family of my client two weeks after the Dreamwalk. I saw a little sadness. I saw some tears here and there. But there wasn’t the grief and devastation that you normally meet after a human passes on. Everybody had shifted, transformed and let go of so much.

It was truly a picture of new beginning, of life and beauty.

About Lea Hamann:
Born in 1982, Lea Hamann is working as a facilitator and a compassionate guide for those going through their spiritual awakening process. She teaches breath work and helps people to reconnect with their feminine energy in individual sessions and seminars. Lea Hamann has been working with and embodying the feminine energies for a number of years now. She began channeling Sophia in public in 2007. Since March 2007 Sophia speaks through her in monthly channels. Sophia invites us to reacquaint ourselves with and receive the feminine energy of our soul. Since then Sophia’s wisdom and love have become inseparable from Lea’s work. The monthly channels are free and available on her website.


Conscious Breath

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Norma Delaney

Your Conscious Breath opens the pathway to New Energy Living. Traditional breathing keeps a person stuck in surviving. The traditional breath focuses on the mind, shoulders, upper chest and neck, which are the holding spots of fear.

Receive Breath that is focused through your nose and travels the route of the body’s humidifier. This Breath brings moisture to the interior of the body. As the conscious Breath travels to the belly and core of you it awakens the connection between your Soul and the physical human. This awakens the ability to sense. Sensing is the powerful, intuitive ability of the awakened human.

Sensing is the doorway to feeling and living. Emotional roller coasters are not tools of feeling. They are the fear pathways of old energy, fear, and survival. Sensing is the experience offered to us when we are willing to let our Spirit/Soul self lead, rather than the mind of trained fear.

There are many forms of breath taught; delivering babies, yoga, athletic rhythms and more. The Breath urged by Tobias, St. Germain, used by Garret and I is the Breath as taught to me by Kuan Yin. This Breath is for the purpose of Integration. This Breath is the only tool we used to fully integrate a person who had been diagnosed as having Multiple Personality Disorder. It is the Breath we used to integrate into the living embodiment of Kuan Yen.

Receive the Conscious Breath, for no matter your age or walk of life, the journey into Integration is the journey into Living. Conscious Living is truly the path walked by The Masters. The Conscious Breath is the way of the New Energy for the New Master.

Copyright © Norma Delaney 2004-2009


So what actually Death is?

 – We choose LIFE through the breathing –

 Written by Tímea Thomázy 2009.
Of course, a man can die of cerebral thrombosis or cancer or whatever he wants! It doesn’t matter if his spirit living in the physical body or some other dimensional part of him decides about it, the point is the overall effect! If only one of his aspects wants to “die” and leave the Earth, where he walks in the 3D world wearing the clothes of his physical body, then he won’t die… it will be just brewing in him. To really leave, all the aspects have to approve it!
Because we know, even if somebody dies here in the 3D world and, so to say, his physical body turns to dust, the Spirit lives, as many people have already experienced it. (Because even the spirits without body are sensible and many people even communicate with them, whether they are on the Earth or in an empire close to Earth or somewhere else.)

So what actually is DEATH? It is the thing that a spirit, what has many dimensional selves, loses its earthly clothes what it doesn’t feel comfortable anymore. When we no longer identify ourselves with old clothes, we can change them and we might experience more interesting things when we want to come on the Earth again. Some enjoy this, others don’t. The choice is depends on the way they come on the Earth. And why is it necessary to consider death a bad thing? Even in the ancient Hungarian peasant society people knew that death is part of life. They had a good cry at the bier and they even helped each other mourn what was the very traditional and loving way of finding an outlet for the pain and the stress. Everybody saw and could touch the dead body. They took even small children with them there who got in physical contact with the dead body. This was a very natural process of letting go. It made the process easier for the family as well. …and what happened after the funeral? Then the burial feast came. Wining and dining. They drank for the dead’s health. They had a good time since the dead was still nearby…

When death became unnatural and people died in hospitals and lying in state at home became prohibited, in other words institutionalizing of death disarranged Hungarians’ image of death in this globalizing world.

There were diseases also long ago and many people died. Why everybody has to live for 1000 years if their lives are only about suffering and they hate the whole thing the way it is? Health, retirement age or a lot of money are all in vain, if somebody doesn’t spend time enjoying every moment of life, doesn’t take a header into the sea, doesn’t busk their face in the sunshine and doesn’t break into smile at the sight of a cute baby. What’s the point of living like a robot? At the beginning everybody just works like a slave to earn money and when they finally have enough, they don’t even remember what they were working for. It’s like people become amnesiac! People’s passion and joy of life are dead!

I was surprised the most by an old lady who had survived the war, the prison, tortures and more. She looked at the life with calmness and happiness and she was full of plans and joy of life even at the age of 90. In spite of the traumas and immense suffering, she learnt to consider life from another perspective and she WANTED TO LIVE! …AND SHE CHOSE HERSELF instead of becoming a walking dead like many other people in the society!

LIVE and FEEL! Because this is the reason why we are on the Earth!

So I totally feel for a dying person and their family! Moreover, I hold their hand and breathe together with them using the breathing method. What actually is conscious breathing? It helps be in harmony with ourselves and our bodies and release. It helps come to our centre and banish confusion and fear. This is what Anasazis were teaching in the DEATH school long ago. They were breathing together with dying people and their energies, intermingled by the common breathing, were doing affectionate dance slowly, with acceptance and release and very deep sympathy.

We choose LIFE with breathing!

I myself have experienced wonderful things about breathing! I love as Quan Yin helps energies during breathing and brings such deep balance by breathing. We can return back to our centres and full balance easily and we can integrate all of our selves from other dimensions into ourselves. I could cry with happiness because this kind of experience is so beautiful!

We choose LIFE with breathing! We choose OURSELVES with breathing!
Just breathe in the air through your nose deep down to your stomach easy, careful to let only the stomach move! …then breathe out! It’s simply amazing, you breathe slowly and swinging, like ears of wheat are swung by the soft summer breeze. Just in and out. Simply and with love. Accepting and loving ourselves. Feel the circuit of air. Feel yourself. Feel your heart while breathing and feel your spirituality. Feel your soul and feel your divinity.
Breathe only for yourself.
Choose life. Choose YOURSELF.
Yes, you are the gift.
Yes, you are the creator.
Choose yourself.
Fill your body with energy.
Breathe in really deep in your stomach.
Then breathe out.
Breathe in the energy of the Universe.
Feel as you are filling up.
Feel as air is running through your body and filling everything with moisture and oxygen.
Feel it in your arms and the tips of your fingers.
Feel it in your legs.
Feel as it is running through your toes.
It is filling up your body.
Breathe it in.
Feel its healing power.
Breathe it in deep.

Blessings to everyone!

Copyright © Thomázy Tímea 2009
This article can be found in the Forum on
Picture: Anthony Butkovich


Written by Tímea Thomázy 07/02/2009

–how to create a life what we desire –

The main point is
to choose the SAFE SPACE
and you know
“I am that I am”! 😉


  1.  Conscious breathing.
  2. Choosing The Safe Space.
  3. I am That I am.
  4. Release. Release everything you don’t need and doesn’t serve you anymore!
  5. Conscious choice and decision making.
  6. Allowing. Let the things flow in and enjoy them.

Footnote: Attention! Don’t open up the possibility of doubts, nor scepticism in yourself and the effects of your decisions, but breathe (consciously) instead and go through the paragraphs above from 1 to 6…

Copyright © Thomázy Tímea 2009


Pictures: 1. Dahlia: Jiri Evenhuis, Janne Kyttanen; 
2. Michaelangelo: The Creation of Adam
3. John Dilworth: The Knot of Creation;


Frequently Asked Questions

Written by Tímea Thomázy 08/12/2009

How to explain the essence of Conscious Breathing to others?

In no way. Only experiencing the conscious breathing is possible. When we want to talk about it to someone without them having to have experienced it themselves, that person becomes mental and a completely different picture emerges about it than what this breathing actually is.

Why talking is important in case of directed Conscious Breathing?

Words help experience the conscious breathing. They are like little hooks hanging on a hawser to which we can hang on to and flow with the current (in the ocean) together with the boat (with the same speed) which tows the hawser.

Is it important to thing about something when I do Conscious Breathing alone?

No, it’s not. You don’t have to think about anything. (When we imagine or think about something while breathing, it becomes a mental process and loses its essence.) Just choose the Safe Space (and let your body transform into a safe space with the simple choice) and start breathing.

What to do if I can’t turn off my mind while breathing?

Just choose the Safe Space and invite your mind to record every sensation while breathing. It’s unnecessary to right them down… just let it record sensations in your memory then start breathing consciously into your stomach.

What to do if the air doesn’t flow into my stomach? Is it like there is a stone in it?

  1. Choose the Safe Space in your body.
  2. Let the air flow into every part of your body, even into your stomach.
  3. Invite your mind to record all of your sensations.
  4. Make the decision that you begin it NOW.
  5. Start breathing gently into your stomach.
  6. If you still feel the “stone inside”, massage your stomach with gentle and tender movements from the pit of the stomach to the lower abdomen (you can use both hands by turns) while continuing to breathe.
  7. This will slowly but surely “melt down the stone” in your stomach.

How soon can I feel the effect of Conscious Breathing?

Even during the first experience. But everyday use can completely change one’s life.

Is it recommended for people with asthma?

Definitely yes. By acquiring this kind of breathing little by little (starting with 1-2 sessions a day then increasing the time spent breathing even up to several minutes) it increases the lung function and it can be used efficiently for cough as well.

Can Conscious Breathing be used for pain relief?

Yes. Generally the imbalance of the body causes most of the physical illnesses and pain. Since we come into balance in all levels during Conscious Breathing it helps release the pain in our bodies and let our bodies come into balance little by little reactivating their own self-renewal ability..

What happens to us while Conscious Breathing?

We balance ourselves. We will be in the moment of Now, 100% in our bodies, present, ready for the experience.

What is the different between meditation breathing and Conscious Breathing?

During meditation we travel outside our bodies to different dimensions for experiences, while the essence of Conscious Breathing is to take back every part of us to our bodies and this is the way how we experience (staying 100% in our bodies). So actually it is a reverse process.

Is it important to close my eyes while breathing?

No, it’s not. For those, who meditated before, is recommended to keep their eyes open in the beginning until they start experiencing Conscious Breathing and then later, when they are able to confidently stay in their bodies, they can close their eyes. Conscious breathing with closed eyes often goes together with more intensive sensations. Although I recommend to try both versions (with open and closed eyes) of breathing.

Where can I do Conscious Breathing?

Anywhere. Even in the morning while making coffee or driving your car or in the traffic jam… or even at work. Just stop for a minute and start breathing and after this short breathing exercise even the work or the creative work will go better.

How does this breathing change one’s life?

In every way. Since we will be much more present in our bodies and come into balance in all levels, illnesses affects us less. The quality of our experiences will change as well, they will become more intensive and deeper. By choosing Conscious Breathing and life along with it, life would become more balanced and happier.

Copyright © Thomázy Tímea 2009

You can find more information about the  Conscious Breathing Seminar and the Personal Conscious Breathing Therapy here..