So what actually Death is?
– We choose LIFE through the breathing –
So what actually is DEATH? It is the thing that a spirit, what has many dimensional selves, loses its earthly clothes what it doesn’t feel comfortable anymore. When we no longer identify ourselves with old clothes, we can change them and we might experience more interesting things when we want to come on the Earth again. Some enjoy this, others don’t. The choice is depends on the way they come on the Earth. And why is it necessary to consider death a bad thing? Even in the ancient Hungarian peasant society people knew that death is part of life. They had a good cry at the bier and they even helped each other mourn what was the very traditional and loving way of finding an outlet for the pain and the stress. Everybody saw and could touch the dead body. They took even small children with them there who got in physical contact with the dead body. This was a very natural process of letting go. It made the process easier for the family as well. …and what happened after the funeral? Then the burial feast came. Wining and dining. They drank for the dead’s health. They had a good time since the dead was still nearby…
There were diseases also long ago and many people died. Why everybody has to live for 1000 years if their lives are only about suffering and they hate the whole thing the way it is? Health, retirement age or a lot of money are all in vain, if somebody doesn’t spend time enjoying every moment of life, doesn’t take a header into the sea, doesn’t busk their face in the sunshine and doesn’t break into smile at the sight of a cute baby. What’s the point of living like a robot? At the beginning everybody just works like a slave to earn money and when they finally have enough, they don’t even remember what they were working for. It’s like people become amnesiac! People’s passion and joy of life are dead!
LIVE and FEEL! Because this is the reason why we are on the Earth!
We choose LIFE with breathing!
We choose LIFE with breathing! We choose OURSELVES with breathing!
Just breathe in the air through your nose deep down to your stomach easy, careful to let only the stomach move! …then breathe out! It’s simply amazing, you breathe slowly and swinging, like ears of wheat are swung by the soft summer breeze. Just in and out. Simply and with love. Accepting and loving ourselves. Feel the circuit of air. Feel yourself. Feel your heart while breathing and feel your spirituality. Feel your soul and feel your divinity.
Breathe only for yourself.
Choose life. Choose YOURSELF.
Yes, you are the gift.
Yes, you are the creator.
Choose yourself.
Fill your body with energy.
Breathe in really deep in your stomach.
Then breathe out.
Breathe in the energy of the Universe.
Feel as you are filling up.
Feel as air is running through your body and filling everything with moisture and oxygen.
Feel it in your arms and the tips of your fingers.
Feel it in your legs.
Feel as it is running through your toes.
It is filling up your body.
Breathe it in.
Feel its healing power.
Breathe it in deep.
Blessings to everyone!
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Picture: Anthony Butkovich